I Got Fired, But It's Ok

Friday, February 24, 2017

I never expected it. I was spending the day with a friend after having worked with my company at an all day event the day prior. I was casually checking my email when I got an email from my boss saying not to come in until mid week to discuss my schedule. Although the email was vague, I had a feeling something wasn't right. I spent the days prior to my meeting trying to convince myself that I was overreacting. That the email gave no indication I would be let go. When I finally came to meet with my boss, I realized my gut feeling was right. It came out of nowhere and it was nothing I thought would ever happen. I didn't know what to do. I was fired.

Having never been fired before I did what came naturally, I cried. I gave myself a couple of days to just cry, wallow, and acknowledge my emotions. I felt really bad about myself. I felt like a failure and that I wasn't good enough. Living in a society that puts so much emphasis on your success and your career, it's really easy to feel depressed when you don't have a job. I felt the termination was my fault and found myself comparing myself to others. I'm a 23 year old who hasn't been able to get a full time job since graduation. It seemed every where I looked I saw people who are successful/happy with full time jobs. I felt there was something wrong with me and even worse about being fired. But I know that's not true and being fired is not a reflection of who I am and my value as a person.

So although I gave myself time to grief and felt bad about my situation, I came to the realization that everything happens for a reason. I wasn't happy at my job, I really wasn't. I was thinking of ways to leave but never acted on it. It was so much easier to stay at my job because I was getting paid and everything felt comfortable and familiar. It's a lot harder to leave and not know what the future has in store. I really believe getting fired was the universe giving me sign. It was the catalyst I needed to make a positive change in my life and really find something that brings me passion, creativity, and the feeling that I'm helping people and changing lives. Although I have no idea when I'll get a job or what it will be, I know the universe has given me an opportunity to find great, unexpected, and better opportunities.

As of now being fired has given me the time to relax and really think about what I want to do in my life. It's allowed me to really focus on having healthier relationships with people. Now when I see my friends the first thing I say isn't my about my frustrating day at work, it's my actual thoughts and interests. It's made me realize how grateful I am for the things and people I have in my life. For all the love I have and the love I received when I got fired. I'm an emotional person and joke when I tell my friends I feel everything, but I really do. My friends who checked up on me and genuinely cared for my well being don't know how appreciative and grateful I am for them.

So if you're in a situation where you feel bad about yourself because you got fired or don't have a job, don't be. Your job is what you do, but it's not who you are. Your job position adds to your life, but it's not your life. There is more to me than what is on my resume. My title didn't define me, my capabilities, or my future job. I don't want to be known as a person for what I did when I sat at my desk. I want to be defined by my actions, compassion, and hopefully ability to inspire. So don't ever feel like your identity is imbedded in what you do. Situations like these aren't permanent. Everything happens for a reason. Allow moments like these for self-growth and the chance to become happier human beings.

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