Day 13 - Clean Out Your Closet

Monday, September 14, 2015

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a lot of clothes. I have more clothes than I need. A year ago I became a shopaholic and began shopping a lot online. I think this has to do with the fact as a kid my parent's didn't have a lot of money to buy me nice clothes, so when I got a job I used my income to buy myself nice clothes and shoes. It became a problem that I memorized my debit card number from using it so much. Fashion became really interesting to me from when I took a fashion and celebrity course at uni. I started to like fashion and began having my own style. I've spent the past year buying pieces I really like and using them into outfits that I thought represented myself.

It wasn't until last week were I saw The True Cost on Netflix that I realized the true impact fast fashion has on our world. After seeing that documentary I became more conscious on how I buy clothes. Let's just say that movie was very eye opening and from now on I buy clothes more humanly.

When I came back from Mexico I actually cleaned out my closet and took out a lot of things I didn't need anymore. Since I did that I didn't think today would take very long. It did, but not because I had to sort out through a lot of clothes it really was more because I was lazy. I was able to take out some things that didn't fit anymore and didn't want. The process ended up more just organizing my closet.

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