Day 23 - No TV All Day, Read Instead

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I thought today would be impossible. I used to not watch TV, but since I got Netflix and started watching Gilmore Girls I can't seem to think of anything else. I need to know what will happen to Rory and Dean. Somehow, I was able to spend the whole day without watching TV. I didn't think I could do it, but I did to an extent.

Today was actually quite productive. I woke up and applied to two jobs, which I feel really good about. The more applications I send in, the more chances I have of getting hired. After that I had to occupy myself with something else. Since I couldn't watch Gilmore Girls, I thought of how I could spend my day. The challenge was to read instead, so I did. After I finished watching the anime Nana, I decided I would pick up where the show ended and read the manga. I haven't been able to get far into it because of GG, but I since this challenge forced me to read I ended up getting far in the manga. I actually really like it. I was hooked and all I wanted to do was read and find out was going to happen.

At the end of the day I kind of cheated and watched TV for an hour. Everyday at 8:00 p.m., me and my family watch a Turkish soap opera we have been hooked on for months. The series is ending in three days and I couldn't keep the challenge. It didn't seem right to skip a day. To me, it seemed fine because I didn't spend the whole day watching TV. It was only a small hour of my day where I wanted to do something enjoyable with my family. I think my decision is justifiable.

I'm not going to lie, I'm glad the day is over because that means I can watch Gilmore Girls again.

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