Day 19 - Leave A Whole Day Unplanned

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 19 was suppose to be go for a walk and practice mindfulness, but I was really lazy and ended up not doing that. What I did instead was leave a whole day unplanned. This was pretty easy because now that I'm still unemployed all of my days are kind of like this. I usually don't plan my days because I have nothing to do. When I was in uni I relied heavily on  my planner and would mentally plan my day by the hour. I found it to be very efficient and the best way for me to feel motivated and accomplish everything I needed to do. Now that I don't have a job or school, I don't plan anything and for that reason I'm the way I am now: not motivated and unproductive.

Yesterday I spent the day with my mom running errands and then I took a nap, which is what I do everyday. When the day was over I kind of did something a little different, I started applying for a job. Last night I decided that every morning I'm going to be applying for at two jobs every single day. I've also decided to expand my horizons outside of LA. I'm going to be applying to cities throughout California and out of state. This is really scary, but I don't feel like my home is my home anymore. Yes I grew up here, but I feel I need to expand my horizons and move somewhere new and create new opportunities for myself.

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  1. "I don't feel like my home is my home anymore. Yes I grew up here, but I feel I need to expand my horizons and move somewhere new and create new opportunities for myself." Yes!


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